Co-Regulation Blog
More Efficient Meltdowns
Life is like an onion, you peel off the layers and sometimes you weep – or rage or collapse! And some things are harder to handle alone than others. When you are sad and vulnerable and ashamed, it takes an awful lot of energy to
Embodiment, Co-Regulation and Oppression
I developed Body Up! Co-Regulation as a tool to heal trauma, build safe, sturdy relationships and stop oppression. It was sexism I was fighting at first, but the dynamics of oppression are the same for classism, racism, sexism, ablebodiedism… In my thinking, oppression is always rooted in misuse of power in hierarchical relationships. When we
The Hero Habit Feeds Oppression
In a dysregulated family, the hero saves the day, which often needs saving. The child who takes on this role usually does it at a young age with realistic desperation and a sense of compulsion. They learn to cope with a lot and look like they are handling it fine. The hero role often persists
Camera Angles for Co-Regulation
The pictures are exaggerated, but they give the feel. What I most want people to learn is how to have collaborative, peer relationships. So, as a co-regulatory therapist, or group leader, I put my computer camera up high enough that I am not looking down on people. If you want to be the authority, look
Surprised by the Phone: When remote therapy can be more effective than in-person sessions
I was very skeptical when I first did a therapy session over the phone (in 2010). Much to my surprise, it was, and has been, effective even in my practice of somatic psychotherapy. Somatics, having to do with the body, its sensation and expression, brings to mind in-person therapy, with all the non-verbal information and
Want to get Closer? Get Boundaries!
Lately I have been noticing where I go numb and freeze-y because I do not speak up for myself. And surprise, surprise, my clients are reporting similar issues! The first order of business, in feeling safe in a body on planet earth, is being able to protect ourselves. Once we have handled weather, hunger and