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The Co-Regulation Revolution, from master somatic psychotherapist and author Beth Dennison, is both co-regulation theory and applied psychology (simple practices to use right away). It is the latest work in her life-long study of shame, healthy relationships, embodiment, and clinical trauma work.

In therapy and in life, we can rewire our nervous systems for mutual regulation (co-regulation). This is essential for authentic, embodied relating, healing PTSD, effective collaboration, and building our capacity for social justice.


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The Co-Regulation Revolution Book Cover

Praise for The Co-Regulation Revolution:

“I have been impressed with Beth’s work on polyvagal theory for many years. I am delighted she has written a comprehensive book for all those interested in understanding and managing their autonomic nervous system. What’s more, Beth focuses on co-regulation, an essential interpersonal process that begins in infancy and continues throughout one’s lifespan. 

In my couples’ clinic, I make certain partners become familiar with and skillful at co-regulation as this ability is a strong marker for relationship safety, durability, and longevity. Beth has made some very complex ideas very accessible to all who are invested in their self-care and want safe and secure relationships. I plan to use her ideas with my students and couples.”

– Stan Tatkin, PsyD, co-founder of the PACT Institute (Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy) and best-selling author of six books including In Each Other’s Care and Wired for Love

“Timely, Accessible, and Essential! 

Beth weaves the threads of co-regulation together in a highly accessible format for general audiences and therapeutic professionals alike, and presents numerous exercises to help the reader embody the teachings presented. 

As a somatically-trained therapist, I found it to be very thorough, showcasing Beth’s depth and breadth of expertise and skill at putting information to practical use. She demonstrates a compassionate approach to healing, and visionary insight into the necessity of co-regulation as a tool of our time. A revolution IS underway, and the path forward is TOGETHER!”

– Amanda Perez, MA, psychotherapist

“Must read for anyone in the somatic psychotherapy realm.

Do you want more meaningful, manageable ways to build a more just and sustainable culture?

The book opens up with this prompt to us as readers, and then, begins to take us down a journey to understand the value and necessity of connection to our fellow humans to catalyze important shifts in ourselves and in our greater society. While the scope of what this work seeks to effect feels broad and ambitious, Beth does a great job of explaining in no-nonsense terms exactly how the interpersonal connection she describes is vital to a healthy and sustainable future.

I can’t recommend this book enough. This is an invaluable read for seasoned psychotherapists, life coaches, or people simply looking to enhance their own lives and those around them. I know I will be regularly picking it up for years to come to continue to learn from it, both intellectually and in somatic practice.”

– Dr. Adam Brady, PT, DPT, Founder at Tend, Center for Integrative Bodywork

“Excellent & Treasured Resource – I trained with Beth for a year and appreciate her playful, deep and efficient approach to co-regulation. She was very generous with providing educational handouts and I was delighted when she decided to publish this book. This book is a treasured resource for practitioners and clients and I have already referred all the folks I’ve been leading in Beth’s co-regulation exercises to get a copy. Check this resource out and sign up for a training with Beth – this work is brilliant!”

– T.T., LMSW, psychotherapist

Order your copy of The Co-Regulation Revolution:

In The Co-Regulation Revolution, Beth gives practitioners clear maps, concrete tools and videos to: 

  • Heal from shame and developmental trauma with safe, appropriate, embodied connection.
  • Build greater capacity for co-regulation and resilience at the nervous system level.
  • Replace compulsive competition for status on the ladder of white supremacy culture with healthy, peer relationships.
  • Prevent burnout – because co-regulation is only co-regulation when it is good for both people

Interpersonal neurobiology and polyvagal theory have brought profound insights into psychology and psychotherapy regarding how essential our relationships are, including our own somatic body/mind relationship. As therapists, social workers, leaders, and teachers – we are positioned to help people build healthy, collaborative relationships that support social justice work and help heal attachment issues and complex PTSD. 

Clinical practitioners who train in Body Up Co-Regulation find the work to be:  “simple and powerful,”  “brilliant and uplifting,” “invaluable for authentic communication,” “safe and non-judgmental,” and  “incredibly helpful in a variety of real-life situations.”

Body Up Co-Regulation (BCR) draws from interpersonal neurobiology, Somatic Experiencing, trauma healing, Bodynamics, peer counseling, and yoga. The practices are therapeutic, diagnostic, and regulatory.

Reading this book can orient you to a whole new way of relating and doing therapy. Practicing the exercises will change your patterns of relating. Training in BCR is a deep dive into the subtle and potent world of working nervous system to nervous system.

In May 2023, Dr. Vivek Murthy, US Surgeon General, spoke to the current epidemic that co-regulation works to heal: “Given the profound consequences of loneliness and isolation, we have an opportunity, and an obligation, to make the same investments in addressing social connection that we have made in addressing tobacco use, obesity, and the addiction crisis.”

This work cultivates our capacity for peer relating and embodiment in relational space. It sounds simple, yet the layers of somatic learning and mutual regulation pave the way for a Co-Regulation Revolution – a cumulative, profound change in how we live and relate, together. 

Take a look at Chapter One

Click on the image to see a preview of Chapter One!

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