Register for Directory
Welcome Co-Regulator!
We hope you have nourishing co-regulation sessions with people you find here. The Directory is great for connecting for regular sessions, for occasional sessions, or for a one-time session while traveling. We empower all members to relate as peers, to reach out to one another for co-regulation, and to have appropriate boundaries. We celebrate and encourage non-hierarchical relating and self-responsibility. Remember, Co-regulation is only co-regulation if it is good for both people. Communicate with one another about what works for you.
Do not to use this list for marketing, social networking or dating. Do not share contact information outside this list.
We moderate this list to ensure that people do have the Body Up! Co-Regulation experience they claim.
The Directory Admins can be reached by email should you have any feedback or problematic experience to report.
You may want to use the Basic Session Outline as a guide or explore what works for you and your co-regulation partner.
Refresh your skills here:
Registration Form