Sorry about this!
Thursday’s panel was well attended and well received AND…
In these uncertain times Co-Regulation is especially important. However, at this time, the acute priority is keeping more people healthy longer, so we do not overwhelm our poorly led government system. On this thinking, we are postponing this workshop for 3 weeks.
In 2 weeks we will reassess the situation and decide whether an in person workshop – or class- makes sense. If not, we will do an online workshop and class, where you will need a partner. At my end, my partner and I will demonstrate practices. You and your partner will then explore the practices and get real time guidance and feedback over Zoom.
In the mean time be good to yourself and those you are close to.We will continue this important work soon, one way or another, God and or the universe willing!
Polyvagal Theory and Body Up! Co-Regulation
An Afternoon Workshop of Collaborative Regulation
A well regulated nervous system can adapt to the task at hand,be it rest, action, communication, or relating. A body that can regulate can relax, act, play, feel, create and connect.
Time: March 15, 2-5 PM Price: $35
Location: Sun Studio #245, Arts & Industry Building
221 Pine St., Florence, MA

“Polyvagal Theory identifies co-regulation as a biological imperative: a need that must be met to sustain life. It is through reciprocal regulation of our autonomic states that we feel safe to move into connection and create trusting relationships.” Deb Dana
• Try out collaborative, embodied practices for connecting.
• Find boundaries that allow you to get closer and still feel safe.
• Explore shifting your nervous system out of threat responses.
• Explore strategies to shift states on purpose when you want to.
• Learn two simple strategies for dissolving shame